Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León
"Detrás de este despliegue de equilibrios matemáticos que es Bartók se encuentra una orquesta liderada por Pablo Rus Broseta, cuya labor minuciosa nos dejó pensando que el resultado no podía haber sido una casualidad(...)Rus Broseta ha sido un magnífico descubrimiento y se ha ganado el crédito de la OSCyL, a la que me imagino disfrutando de lo lindo en los ensayos tanto de Ligeti como de Kodaly."
Palau de les Arts/Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana
"Desde el podio, Pablo Rus hizo una lectura sensible, analítica a la vez que expresiva, sacando a relucir la riqueza rítmica y tímbrica que contiene la partitura"
Orquestra Simfónica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya
"Pablo Rus tenía entre manos una auténtica prueba de fuego al enfrentarse a las dos obras, de formato mastodóntico, soberbias de colores e instrumentación, de métrica inestable y arquitectura llena de filigranas, saliendo airoso de esta crucial aventura al llevar la OBC por un camino de brillante corrección y equilibrio"
Orquesta Sinfónica del Principado de Asturias
"Se demostró que Pablo Rus tenía las ideas muy claras moviendo a la OSPA con habilidad y sentido... Rus dió mayor rienda suelta a la orquesta y se percibió una OSPA muy firme en el carácter con un buen juego de volúmenes y un amplio abanico de dinámicas"
La Nueva España
May 2021
Orquesta Filármonica de Gran Canaria
"Es casi una hora de sonidos deslumbrantes que Rus Broseta estruja hasta lo más mínimo, ante una OFGC en estado de gracia..."
April 2021
Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya
Orlando Philharmonic
"Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 opened with sparkling promise and finished with a delightful brightness of sound. The second movement’s mournful melody had an almost hypnotic effect, while the low strings provided a beautiful whisper of sadness. Just lovely.

Sarasota Orchestra
"Pablo Rus Broseta managed the forces on stage and the rarely performed scores with great clarity and confidence."

Palau de les Arts - Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana
"logró las dinámicas necesarias de la orquesta y supo dirigir y arropar a los cantantes con atención y precisión"
"una eficaz orquesta bajo la rectoría, precisa y airosa del pulcro y refinado Pablo Rus que extrajo a los instrumentistas sonoridades de sedoso terciopelo y tempos muy apropiados en el aire"
New Release!
SWR Symphonie Orchester
Donaueschinger Musiktage 2017
Seattle Symphony wins Orchestra of the Year award from Gramophone magazine
New CD with Seattle Symphony
The Unchanging Sea by Michael Gordon and Tomoko Mukaiyama, piano.
Seattle Symphony
“Maclemore & Ryan Lewis, Ciara, Russel Willson and Seattle Symphony, raise $1.4 million in benefit concert”
Prokofiev, Bartók and Orts with Orquesta de València
"Pablo Rus dirigió una versión analítica e intensa. Destacó por el equilibrio entre las familias, como por la claridad lograda en las distintas voces de la orquesta. Consiguió momentos simplemente magistrales, como la coda del primer movimiento"
Nielsen, Schubert and Haydn with Seattle Symphony
"Rus Broseta lets the music flow without forcing, details brought out, and the dramatic elements came through with clear contrasts."
Portugal XXI. Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música
Play Video
Prokofiev Festival with Seattle Symphony
"An excellent conductor, Rus Broseta directed the orchestra with sensitivity to balance with the soloists and clear direction"
Shostakovich and Prokofiev with Beatrice Rana and Seattle Symphony
"Rus Broseta drew from the orchestra an overarching shape and coherence, including in the extended first movement where there are many long solo passages for clarinets, bassoons, flutes–changing from soft to forcefully loud with clashing timpani and snare drum, sometimes feeling portentous, other times ominous."
Barber, Verdi, Björk... with Renée Fleming and Seattle Symphony
"Soprano Renée Fleming sang everything from Bjōrk to Puccini, while the orchestra’s associate conductor, Pablo Rus Broseta, acquitted himself admirably in Seattle Symphony’s opening-night concert"
"Rus Broseta showed a remarkable command of small details that make big differences, as in his calibration of the brass balance in the Verdi [...] has a disciplined mind — tempered by his Modernist training — and never settles for the “showy” surface. And he was a sensitive partner with Fleming, allowing her to shine above all in the Barber and Boïto."
"the concert was an opportunity for the orchestra’s young associate conductor, Pablo Rus Roseta, to shine, which he did[...] he managed very well to balance the orchestra with Fleming’s voice and nuanced performance. The Verdi overture particularly pulsed with energy, contrasts and forewarnings."
Renée Fleming and Pablo Rus Broseta © Carlin Ma
Rameau, Lully, Bach and Händel with Reginald Mobley and Seattle Symphony
"Al frente de la SSO, Rus demostró su versatilidad técnica desde el comienzo. El concierto se abrió con la suite de la ópera Naïs, de Jean-Philippe Rameau, que sonó elegante, con prestancia y equilibrio instrumental... Pablo Rus  brindó un acompañamiento inmejorable, sobre el que Mobley sonó sobrio y asertivo." 
Shostakovich Concerto Festival with the Seattle Symphony
"...Rus Broseta’s advocacy was focused and often passionate...What was perhaps Boulezian was the expert attention he brought to shaping Shostakovich’s sound world—to his blends of the solo instrument in each case with winds... Also of note was Rus Broseta’s flair for theatricality, shaping climaxes and, even more, bringing out the implications of ensuing anti-climaxes."
"Por algunos chispazos de conexión entre Rus y Moreau, creímos contemplar el futuro de la música clásica europea en eclosión."
Edgar Moreau - Pablo Rus Broseta; Photo by Brandon Patoc
Edgar Moreau and Pablo Rus Broseta © Brandon Patoc
MusicalAmerica: New Artist of the Month
Seattle Symphony and Yo-Yo Ma
“From the podium Rus Broseta’s confident partnership ensured a lucid orchestral balance. … It was possible to hear evidence of the young conductor’s experience with new music in the mindful focus on texture and balance. … In his hands the spirited finale of K. 201 was made to sound exhilaratingly fresh, almost proto-Beethovenian. The strings played with superb ensemble.”
"Seattle Symphony Associate Conductor Pablo Rus Broseta provided tasteful support for Ma’s rendition of the Haydn. The young Spanish-born conductor displayed enormous talent. His baton technique was crisp and clear, and his gestures alternated beautifully between the expressive and the lively." 
Yo-Yo Ma and Pablo Rus Broseta
"Broseta made a good impression not only as an able and subtle partner in the concerto but in the three orchestral pieces preceding it. Beginning with some nicely characterized Bartok.... Broseta also presented some elegant and nimble Mozart..."
¨He commanded the SSO´s musicians with aplomb and Mediterranean grace. Rus Broseta’s personality seemed to match Mozart´s young spirit: playful in its simplicity, concise in his rich expression. In the same line, Mozart´s symphony for La finta giardiniera was served with precision and in style."
Orquesta Filarmónica de Buenos Aires&Ensemble Modern
 "...simply admirable"
Ensemble Intercontemporain
"Galvanisés par le geste du jeune chef valentien Pablo Rus Broseta, les virtuoses de l’EIC donnent à l’œuvre une interprétation fulgurante...On sent un souffle dramaturgique puissant traverser l’œuvre à travers l’interprétation luxueuse du chef et de ses musiciens".
SWR Sinfonieorchester in Baden-Baden Festspielhaus
"Pablo Rus Broseta ist ein Dirigent, der eine knappe, aber ausdrucksstarke Gestik und, wo angebracht, konzentrierte Körpersprache einsetzt. Keine Show-Effekte lenken von der Musik ab, deren "Energie" von Rihm so geschätzt wird......subtile Farbmischungen, dynamisch feinste Abstufungen erklingen unter Pablo Rus Brosetas Leitung im Festspielhaus."
Orquesta Sinfónica RTVE
"...una ejemplar interpretación de una obra nada fácil ni familiar, la Sinfonietta de Zemlinsky..."
BBC Symphony Orchestra
"The 15 members of the BBC SO under the very able baton of young Spanish conductor Pablo Rus Broseta oozed colour and light, aided by the exotic sounds of guitar, mandolin and celesta. As well as exhibiting the shift in the composer’s stylistic development, Éclat/Multiples also shows up the influence of Boulez’s musical heritage – something he would once have furiously denied. His sonorities and timbres are those of Debussy and Ravel, and the shadows of Schoenberg, Berg and Webern are everywhere."
"Particularly impressive was Broseta’s use of Boulez’s own hand gestures to articulate the musical paragraphs: the left arm outstretched with the hand pointing directly downwards, switching incisively to an upward position. Concise, unambiguous, and clearly learned from the master himself."
Pablo Rus Broseta © Carlin Ma
SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg in Festival Musica Strasbourg
"Both works are great observations of the orchestra and were played in this wonderful concert under the baton of the excellent Spanish conductor Pablo Rus Broseta. Francois-Xavier Roth had entrusted the SWR Symphony Orchestra to his former assistant and the orchestra presented itself as a brilliant advocate of the most audacious premieres."